THE MEMBER of Parliament for Barrow and Furness Simon Fell revealed who he would prefer to see as Prime Minister. 

Earlier today, Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister, leading to another Conservative leadership contest less than half a year after the next one. Previous PM Boris Johnson has already thrown his hat in the ring as a candidate, however, he is not Mr Fell's preferred choice.

Mr Fell spoke highly of Penny Mourdant, who he described as a 'very strong candidate.' However Mr Fell said that he has a 'preference for' Rishi Sunak. 

When asked who he would like to see as Prime Minister, Mr Fell said: "We'll have to see who the candidates are - and we'll know soon as the vote is on Monday - but both Rishi and Penny are very strong candidates. 

"I have a preference for Rishi, especially given the need now to display a grip on how to ensure that the economy can support people through the current storm. He displayed huge skill during the pandemic and at the start of the energy crisis and I very much hope we can draw on those talents."

When asked if he thought we should have a general election, Mr Fell said: "We don't have a Presidential system - people vote for local candidates. While I completely understand the calls for a general election, I hope that a change in leader will provide the same stability in Number 10 the way that the new Chancellor has done the same in Number 11. 

"We have a huge amount of our manifesto still to deliver and when I speak to constituents across Barrow and Furness that's what they want us to do-keep levelling up, and show them we're on their side through the cost of living crisis and helping those who most need it. 

"What we need now is all the talents back in government, offering safe pairs of hands and stability in an uncertain world."