SOUTH Cumbrian MPs reacted to Liz Truss resigning from the government today. 

Liz Truss handed in her notice after weeks of chaos, which culminated in her Home Secretary Suella Braverman resigning and Conservative MPs loudly arguing in the chamber over a confidence vote.

During her time as Prime Minister, her radical economic policies crashed the market, as investors could not figure out how the Government could fund increased borrowing through tax cuts. 

This resulted in the resignation of Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng, but this did little in the end to save Liz Truss. 

The Conservative MP for Barrow and Furness told Sky News: "I'm not surprised, to be perfectly honest. The world is moving very quickly at the moment. 

"We've had a tumultuous couple of weeks and the vote last night was for me the final nail in the coffin. It was just chaos."

He confirmed that he had put in a letter of no confidence. 

He said that since Jeremy Hunt took over as Chancellor from Kwasi Kwarteng the markets started to calm and 'we saw a clear sense of direction, we just haven't had that from the top.' 

He called for a fast Conservative leadership election.  

The Liberal Democrat MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale Tim Farron wanted more than just a fast Conservative election, he wanted a general election

"I think that is the only way to get stability. The people we need to be asking are the people of Cumbria and the country as a whole. They will not get an easy ride if they change PM for the second time in a matter of weeks without consulting people."

He said that even if the Conservatives won, there needed to be a fresh mandate with a different set of people in the cabinet.

Mr Farron said: "She is the shortest serving Prime Minister but she will have one of the longest-lasting influences" because borrowing money while giving the rich a tax cut will impact 'our children and our grandchildren.'