PROTESTORS are set to line the streets of Ulverston to demonstrate against the cost-of-living crisis.

A ‘peaceful rally’ is set to be held in the town to support a national campaign against the cost-of-living crisis.

The event will include music at the Hope and Anchor pub, information stalls, speakers - and protesters dancing in a ‘Disobedience March’.

The event, held today, is in support of Enough is Enough, a campaign calling for a real pay rise, energy bills to be slashed, decent homes for all and for the super-rich to be taxed.

Harriet Cooper, one of the organising team, said: "This is a campaign to fight the cost of living crisis and offer alternatives to the broken system.

"We are offering people hope and an opportunity for them to empower themselves to reject the current substandard living conditions being offered in the UK.

"We want to help heal people so that the British people start to recognise their value and self-worth again."

Regional Organiser for the RMT, Craig Johnston and Paul Jenkins of Unite Against Fascism are among those who will speak at the Market Cross.

RMT North West Region Secretary Steve Nott said: “I’m delighted to support the first Enough is Enough South Cumbria event. It’s time everyone worked together for a fairer society for all.

"It’s your basic right to fair pay to cover your bills and have enough food so as not rely on food banks.

"People deserve to be rewarded for their hard work not to just see those at the top get richer whilst they have to choose between heating and eating.”

After the speeches, people are invited to the Hope and Anchor, where musicians and DJs will perform to raise funds for Ulverston Food Project.

Before the rally a Craft for Hope was held on Thursday at the Laurel and Hardy Museum.

People made banners and placards using surplus materials provided by Ulverston group Mycelium Thinking, headed by Rema Gifford and Dave Crossley

A communal poem, led by Ulverston author Zosia Wand, will be performed on the day.

Organiser Louise Martin said: “People in the UK deserve so much better and life could be so much better for us all if those at the top stopped hoarding wealth and resources.

"This campaign is all about demanding better. We’re here to say enough is enough!”

Ulverston musician Dan Fox's ‘Boombike’ will play the tunes for the Discobedience March, led and choreographed by Cat Moffatt, with pedal power provided by Simon Hanson.

CanDO FM DJ Shaun Blezard is creating the Discobedience playlist based on track suggestions.

Musicians performing include Jonny Swift, Jon Byrne, Becki Fishwick, Hannah Kessler and regulars from the Ulverston Folk sessions, along with the Hope Choir, led by landlady Joanne Hillman

There will also be an open mic section and DJs including Mister Monster (Dave Crossley) Homegrown DJs and DJ Fallback.