A MAMMOTH journey crossing thousands of miles through Europe has been ‘well worth it’ for one determined driver eager for a challenge.

Paul Wojcik, from Barrow, joined an epic motorist event last week which saw him and dozens others drive from Dover to Gibraltar in their ‘old bangers’ as part of the Veterans Banger Rally.

The 64-year-old had originally planned on taking on the cross-country trek last year, however, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the event to be held in the UK.

Paul and his son Joseph drove their renovated 1993 Rover Metro from Stafford onto Llandudno, Torquay, Skegness, Newcastle, Blackpool before finishing in Runcorn for prizegiving in last year’s event.

A year later the Ulverston Inshore Rescue volunteer decided to finally take on the original rally route, driving from England to Gibraltar.

Paul, who joined the merchant navy when he left school, has successfully driven his 2003 Citroen Berlingo alongside 45 other cars of all shapes and sizes to Gibraltar – and is already on route home again.

From Paul’s home in Barrow to Gibraltar is an epic 3,552 round trip, stopping off in Calais, Le Mans, Pau, Valencia and Malaga along the way.

Paul experienced no major hiccups along the way, apart from his windscreen wipers falling off just before the Pyrenees which were quickly sorted by two mechanics.

Speaking from Gibraltar after completing 1,800 miles, he said: “The journey was brilliant but hard work some of the time navigating through the big cities but well worth it once you were out in the countryside and mountains of the Pyrenees.

“The other teams on the rally were brilliant very helpful and not seeing anybody stuck the motto was ‘we never leave anybody behind’.

“Now for the journey home it will be at a leisurely pace taking in some of the Spanish and French towns and cuisine en-route.”

Paul is raising money to support Ostley House Dementia Unit in Barrow who cared for his mam in her final few years.

The daring motorist is already planning his next epic journey, where he hopes to drive through eight countries in Europe next year.

To make a donation, visit:  https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/gibraltar-202