IDEAS have been raised as to where commemorative trees for Queen Elizabeth II could be planted, with School Knott a possible location. 

School Knott would be a symbolic place, as fifty trees were planted there to mark the then fifty years of the Queen's rule for the Golden Jubilee in 2002. A plaque has since been left there and a member of the public asked if it would be possible for another tree to be planted. 

Margaret Roberts, who has been on TV earlier this year campaigning for paths around Windermere to become more accessible said: "I cried. She means a lot, I respect her-I remember very clearly her coronation. I remember my father trying to take a photograph of her when she went to where we used to live in Manchester.

"I think something should be there for her memory. It would be nice for Cumbria to show that we respect her."

Tim Farron, the MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale said: "It is a lovely idea. It was a well-known fact that she loved the Lakes. 2014 was the last time she was officially here. It is important that we do mark her passing and mark her legacy. 

"It is a very, very big blow. Her reign was unifying, and her passing will be as well."

Councillor and local historian Roger Bingham said that it is a nice idea but it would 'need permission' as previous plans to plant trees in the area had fallen through. 

Planting trees in memory of a monarch does have a local precedent. Mr Bingham said: "I personally am very proud of trees, it follows a grand tradition for members of the royal family and events," in reference to the Queen Victoria jubilee trees planted in Milnthorpe. 

Windermere Town Council has already planted two new trees for the Queen's Green Canopy this year, one at the War Memorial and one in Birthwaite Gardens, both with plaques that were hand-made by the British Legion. 

It has also planted a garden for the Queen named Jubilee Garden, with a number of trees there as well. However, a spokesperson for the Council did say that it will 'look at all ways to commemorate the Queen' including School Knott.