A SCHOOL is marking its best ever A-Level results as elated students celebrate exam success.

The majority of Year 13 Ulverston Victoria High School students hoping to go to university next year have been accepted into their first-choice universities (82 per cent - a school record) with several other offers pending.

A considerable number of students have also qualified to take up highly sought after higher apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships with the likes of BAE Systems.

The secondary school is celebrating its many individual successes of their high-flying students who are heading to a range of prestigious universities. These include:

Charlie Rodgers A* A* A* A* Bristol – Philosophy & Theology

Dorje Cordon A* A* A* A Manchester - Physics

Lilian Lewis A* A* A* A Cambridge – Natural Sciences

Douglas McCleery A* A* A* A Cambridge - Architecture

Andrew Bell A* A* A* (A) Sheffield – Computer Science

Sadie Kendall A* A* A* Leeds – English & History

James Morgan A* A* A* Oxford - Physics

Jenny Kitchingman A* A* A Cambridge - Law

Sanjana Singh A* A* A gap year then Medicine

Grace Smith A* A* A Lancaster - Law

Matthew Tresidder A* A* A Leeds – Chemistry

Andrew Bell, who is heading to Sheffield University after achieving three A*s and an A, said: “Although I felt I had worked really hard and had done enough to get to Sheffield, this is beyond expectation.

“I love computers and programming, and once I had attended several university open days, Sheffield stood out so I’m really happy to be going there. I’m taking a gap year first and working the ski season in a hotel in Val D'Isere, but cannot wait to get to Sheffield in Sept 2023.”

James Morgan has been accepted into Oxford University after achieving three A*s.

The Mail: James Morgan, Oscar Butler & Andrew BellJames Morgan, Oscar Butler & Andrew Bell

He said: “I am delighted with my three A*s but, to be honest it is what I expected.

“I know I worked really hard and also had the most amazing teachers that I could ever have wished for here at UVHS in all of my three subjects – Maths, Further Maths & Physics. I cannot thank the school enough for the amazing teaching over the last seven years! I’m really looking forward to going to Oxford and developing my skills and knowledge, and who knows after that? Tonight I will party with my friends and then we are going to France for a week together as well.”

Sanjana Singh is planning on taking a gap year before studying medicine next year.

She said: “I’m very happy and very surprised, but really couldn’t have achieved these grades without the amazing teachers at UVHS, let alone working really hard myself. I’ve decided to reject my Medicine place at Buckingham and will re-apply toother universities to study medicine next year.

The Mail: Sanjana Singh & Lilian LewisSanjana Singh & Lilian Lewis

“In the meantime I am taking a gap year and aim to travel to Ghana to carry out volunteering work. Tonight I’m going to enjoy a family meal to celebrate.”

Lilian Lewis is elated to be heading to Cambridge University after a fantastic set of results.

She said: “Wow! I’m so surprised and so very happy with three A*s and an A. I worked really hard really hard throughout sixth form at UVHS and had great teachers; initially I wanted to study medicine but then changed to Natural Sciences as I felt it would give me a broader platform in the future. I cannot wait to get to Cambridge now!”

Douglas McCleery was speechless after finding out he had achieved three A*s and an A, with plans to study architecture at Cambridge.

The Mail: Douglas McCleeryDouglas McCleery

He said: “I just haven’t come to terms with this yet. This is so much better than I had hoped for; I thought I might get one A*. I’ve always been interested in buildings, especially old ones, so architecture was always my aim. Studying Maths, Physics, Art and History at UVHS has been very hard work but so very enjoyable, especially with the amazing teachers here. Tonight will be a celebratory meal with friends followed by a totally new experience at Cambridge.”

Dorje Cordon said he is ‘so relieved’ to receive his top grades of three A*s and an A.

He said: “After the exams there was so much uncertainty and self-doubt, even though I had been confident going into them. Really looking forward to going to Manchester – it’s a great city with so many opportunities. As for the course, I cannot wait to get started and may well stay in academia afterwards.”

The Mail: Elliot Rushton, Joseph Knott, Dorje Cordon & Matthew TresidderElliot Rushton, Joseph Knott, Dorje Cordon & Matthew Tresidder

Matthew Tresidder is heading to Leeds to study chemistry after an incredible set of results.

He said: “This is much better than I had hoped for – I’ve surprised myself! I came out of the exams feeling happy and thinking I had done enough to get into Leeds to study Chemistry, but to get two A*s and one A is just fantastic. I took Chemistry because I’ve always enjoyed it and wanted to pursue it further – my other subjects were Maths and Spanish which were also fantastic options, even though it was hard work throughout.”

Rob Rastelli, Head of Sixth Form, said: “After two-and-a-half very difficult years we have seen a return to formal external examinations and, here at UVHS, we are yet again congratulating a Year 13 cohort whose overall performance reflects the commitment, dedication and sheer hard work that they have put into their time at UVHS, both inside and outside the classroom – the excellent results achieved by them are fully deserved. As usual, it has been an absolute privilege and pleasure working with these students and I wish them all the brightest of futures.”

Matthew Hardwick, headteacher of UVHS, said: “We are again delighted with the outcomes that this year’s UVHS Year 13 students have achieved and are proud of each and every one of them. These results reflect how a true learning community can come together against adversity in order to provide the very best opportunities for our young adults.

“Not only is it down to the incredibly hard work and commitment demonstrated by each and every student, but also the dedication and quality of our teaching and support staff alongside the superb levels of encouragement and focus fostered by parents and families.”