AN Ulverston woman has raised hundreds of pounds for St Mary’s Hospice after taking on the Total Warrior Challenge.

Karen Chambers took on the challenge on June 25 and raised £608.75 for the hospice.

The 12k route saw her complete several difficult obstacles but she made it through with the support of her husband and son.

This is the latest activity she has taken part in for charity, including a skydive and a ten-mile run.

She is also the secretary for Ulverston Rugby Club.

Karen said: “The Total Warrior wasn’t too bad.

“I’ve done a few charity things in the past. I’ve done two skydives and done a ten-mile run in fancy dress in Windermere.

“It was the walk to remember where we dressed up as elves.

“We raised quite a lot and over all those times we must have got a few hundred quid raised. Definitely the high hundreds somewhere.

“The Total Warrior was great, challenging but great. It was definitely challenging.

“I decided to do it last year and signed up. My husband and son had done it in the past so I wanted to give it a go.

“I got the early bird ticket but nearly had the pull out in the year because of back problems.

“I had an MRI done in March and I had a prolapsed disc in back so I thought I couldn’t do it.

“In April my sister was diagnosed with cancer and it made me think, no one knows what round the corner so I thought go for it.

“You never known who will need the hospice so it’s important to support them. I did the challenge with the help of my husband and three other lads. There was a coach full of us who did it.

“We had a coach full of people from Ulverston rugby club, including the under 16s and some parents and coaches. It was a good day.

“We’ve known friends and families who have used the hospice.

“Our original target was about £500. I put it at that and thought we’d see where it goes. We got above that and we thought every penny helps so I was chuffed to bits with it.”