READERS have aired their views following the reintroduction of mandatory use of face-masks in clinical areas.

The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust announced last week that masks 'must be worn in all clinical wards and departments' at all sites across the trust.

Bridget Lees, Executive Chief Nurse, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, said: "As we continue to see rising COVID-19 cases in our local communities, it is vital we take action to help prevent the spread and protect our colleagues and patients.

"That is why we have reintroduced the heightened use of face masks in our clinical settings."

The rationale of the announcement that that masks do not need to be worn in public areas such as corridors, restaurants, building entrances and exits, has confused some, with Edward Collin commenting:

"I expect this decision was again based upon the science - this virus is getting really clever, it apparently hangs around wards, but wouldn't dare visit corridors, staff changing rooms, and refreshment areas.

"When will this pretence of masks being of prophylactic benefit ever end?"

Many readers have expressed their confusion at the inconsistency of the mandate, some preferring to take all precautions regardless, such as Eileen Macdonald, who said:

"I've never stopped wearing mine - the first thing I do is sanitise my hands and trolley going into shops."

Ellen Bayliff said: "Masks didn't have to be worn apart from clinical areas, they have changed their minds again and they don't have to be worn in corridors, only on wards, its getting ridiculous now."

Pauka Woodburn said: "It makes you laugh as I know a woman that was in hospital last week, and it was full of Covid on her ward, but yet they were allowed to come out and smoke so no wonder cases are rising."

Others take a different view, that the dropping of compulsory mask-wearing was welcome, like Gail Martin, who said:

"I am probably going to get crucified for this, but we have to start living with this now, we can't wear masks forever, and I for one would rather live my life without restrictions!

"Just my opinion though!"