YESTERDAY the Prime Minister told the Country that he will resign as Prime Minister. 

Boris Johnson will remain as Prime Minister until a successor is in place, expected to be by the time of the Conservative Party conference in October.

Resigning his position he was met with applause, during the speech Boris Johnson recognised that some people will be cheering at his departure and some will be sad to see him go. 

Reactions came in thick and fast from people across south Cumbria, some wishing the PM support and some saying they are sad to see the back of him.

READ MORE:  Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirms he will step down

Lesley Sedgwick Fursey said: "I dread to think who will replace him better the devil you know sometimes."

Maggie Pease said: "Thank you for my jabs and all you've done for this country, you deserve better."

Callum Byrne said: "Shame I have to work as I would be partying hard tonight."

Caroline Daly said: "Good luck Boris."

Rose Mary said: "Poor Bo-Jo, had a good inning. Rishi's warming up in the pavilion already got his shin guards on."

Julia Sharpe said: "Hallelujah."

Adam Edwards said: "Good he was damaging his own party by his actions. I’m no fan of the Conservatives but many of them including members didn’t deserve this from one man."

Elaine Potter said: "I hope whoever moves into 10 Downing St doesn't decorate it as that cost a lot of money."

Linda Weightman said: "He needs to go today. If they allow him to stay he will cause chaos."

Lynda Armstrong said: "No confidence in any of them."

Helen Wharton said: "Dominic Raab step in."

Julie Jones said: "Not a Boris fan at all but who will take over, we are doomed regardless."

Frank Kendall said: "Now can we have someone that will rejoin the EU please."