A WOMAN who assaulted her ex-partner has been jailed after breaching a suspended prison sentence.

Louise Chambers was sentenced after she assaulted her ex-partner Shaun Roberts in Barrow.

She had previously avoided jail after assaulting him, being sentenced to an eight-week suspended prison sentence to allow to get the 'support that you need'.

But Chambers will now spend eight weeks behind bars after another assault.

The defendant, 33, previously admitted assaulting Mr Roberts by beating him and breaching the suspended sentence.

The court heard the incident happened on May 13.

She was jailed when she appeared for sentencing at Preston Crown Court.

A suspended sentence was first handed down on February 17 after she assaulted an emergency worker.

She was fined a nominal £1 for breaching the order in March, when she was convicted of assaulting Mr Roberts.

She was charged with assault after she grappled with her ex-partner during a series of altercations at his home in Barrow.

Preston Crown Court heard she had arrived at his home on January 10 and was banging on the door.

Prosecutor Kimberley Obrusik said police were called three times on the day.

At one point Chambers entered the victim's home and he fled to the bathroom to hide.

He later came down and grappled with Chambers.

"The police were called to the victim Shaun Roberts' address numerous times throughout the afternoon and the evening of that day," Ms Obrusik said.

"She threw the milk over him and pushed her way into the property.

"He locked himself in the bathroom to get away from her.

"When he heard her rummaging around he came back down and they grappled and she took him to the floor."

A witness said she saw Mr Roberts at his front door looking scared after the incident.

The court heard Chambers had a record of 84 previous offences at the time.

Claire Larton, mitigating, described how Chambers had been struggling at the time.

Passing sentence at the time, Recorder Carwyn Cox told Chambers: "You have had a difficult past and that past has led you to commit so many offences.

"But you've been supported recently by a number of people."

The judge said he wanted to give Chambers, of Barrow's Maple Street, the 'opportunity to get the support that you need'.