AN APPLICATION to install bird netting at a new fast-food restaurant in a South Lakeland town has been submitted to the district council.

The £16,300 work at McDonald's in Ulverston would also see spikes installed along ledges and signage. 

The scheme has drawn criticism from the boss of a south Cumbria bird sanctuary.

"Birds do get impaled on spikes," said Elisabeth Ashleigh, who runs Bardsea Bird Santuary with daughter Tamsin. 

"Whatever kind of mesh they use, they do get their feet trapped."

A report submitted by Ecolab says the silver-lined insulation on rooftop machinery at the site will be attractive to birds such as crows and magpies. 

It says, without preventative measures, the avians will cause damage 'leading to thousands of pounds in repairs in the long-term'.

The report says the eatery at Oubas Hill, which opened last month, will become nesting a nesting ground for scavenging birds - such as gulls and pigeons - attracted by discarded food

The accumulation of 'bird-related debris', it says, would lead to infestations of insects, the promotion of disease, damage to the building and a 'risk of ensuing third-party litigation if a member of staff suffers an injury due to the slippery toxic bird fouling'.

Netting would therefore be attached to the roof and the uppermost ledges of the building to prevent birds perching and roosting.

READ MORE: Residents' fears over fast-food joint opening

The Ecolab report says a survey of the site revealed the presence of swallows.

It recommends the waste area 'be guarded against any ingress from this species'. It says swallows are 'heavily protected and, therefore, a smaller [19mm] gauge net would be used at this level'.

A total of 250m of spikes would be installed along the lower ledges and signage of the new restaurant to stop birds from roosting.

But Ms Ashleigh felt that birds should not be deterred from the building.

"It's the people that leave rubbish around, that don't put their rubbish in the bin properly, it's them that need educating," she said.

"Birds don't pose a threat at all."