A WOMEN’S only centre are taking part in the Women and Girls Match Fund to raise £20,000 in just one week. These funds will be used for work to support women who are victims of domestic abuse.

Donations made to Women’s Community Matters, Barrow through their Big Give campaign page only will be generously matched by DCMS’ Tampon Tax Fund during the campaign meaning the money donated can support twice as many.

The Mail:

Rebecca Robson, Senior Officer at Women’s Community Matters said: “This year we’re looking to raise a total of £20.000, in order to access the £10,000 we have in the matching pot, we need to raise £10,000 in online donations. We hope everyone will give generously this year to help us reach our target and enable us to carry on the work we all feel so passionately about.

"We are so very proud and lucky to have the support of our community and hope you can help us once again in this push to ensure we can keep providing the best service possible for women experiencing or fleeing domestic abuse. Through this campaign your donation will be doubled so women and girls can dream freely.”

Women’s Community matters is an organisation which runs a vibrant women-only centre that aims to make a positive difference to the lives of women, young people, and their families in Barrow to provide them with support

The Big Give is a registered charity whose mission is to promote causes and inspire people to give through www.thebiggive.org.uk, a crowdfunding platform for charities specialising in match funding.

The Women & Girls Match Fund is a match funding campaign for charities that are working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in England and Scotland.

The Mail:

All public donations made to participating charities via www.thebiggive.org.uk during the week of the campaign (8 - 15 March 2022) will be matched by DCMS’ Tampon Tax Fund until each organisation’s ring-fenced match funding award of either £2,500, £10,000 or £25,000 is used up.