READERS are wishing luck to a Barrow man after he emerged as the borough council’s choice for the role of landlord of Piel Island’s Ship Inn Pub.

Aaron Sanderson, 33, says he is ready to give up his job at BAE systems for the role on the island off the coast of the Furness Peninsula.

It follows a search that saw more than 190 individuals register an interest in the position, with in excess of 30 submitting applications.

Mr Sanderson will become the new King of Piel, which is the title bestowed upon the landlord of the Ship Inn, should he move to the 50-acre-island with his partner Anita Palfi.

Robert Glew said: “Best of luck to you Aaron, hope you can make a go of it! Great memories of camping on there in the 60's.”

Dave Castree said: “All the best looking forward to summer, good luck.”

Barrow Market Hall said: “Good luck from everyone at Barrow Market Hall.”

Therese Assouad said: Many congratulations and good luck!”

Lynn Andrew Currie said: “Good luck lived in Barrow all of my nearly 60 years and never been to Piel.”

Sue Calvert said: “Good luck will be over in summer.”

Louise Scarr said: “Never been so excited!!! Az will have that place back exactly how it should be!! I'll be finally back over when he does!!”

Kevin Jeffrey said: “Jesus Aaron you’re brave. Well hope you have fun doing it. Good luck. At least you’ll get a good view of the subs as they leave Barrow, rather than working on them.”

Lea Stewart said: “Can’t beat good old Piel. Good luck.”

John Davies said: “Best of British!!”

Roy Burke said: “Enjoy. G'day from Australia.”

John Murphy said: “I am doing a walk on Sunday.”