RESIDENTS send their heartfelt messages to the people of Ukraine after Russia has invited the country. 

The support comes at a time when Cllr Anne Thomson said that her 'heart goes out' to the Ukrainian people and that she expects the borough council to resolve to welcome refugees from the country at a meeting on Wednesday.

The leader of Barrow Borough Council said she was 'sure' a council leadership meeting this week would decide to support refugees coming to Barrow.

Since the Russian invasion, community groups have been sending messages of support to people in Ukraine.

Lori Robinson said: "I feel for all the innocent people that are caught up in this barbaric act and i pray for them."

Bob Farrer said: "I have been to Odessa twice, its a beautiful place. I have friends there who i have messaged but i haven't heard anything back."

Bob said he has a friend in Donetsk who said the explosion was terrifying.

Karen Smith said: "Absolutely awful, heartbreaking for them. My prayers are with you all in Ukraine."

To show solidarity with the Ukrainian people, the Barrow Council building was lit up in blue and yellow to mark the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Gemma Elizabeth said her best friend is half Ukrainian, she said: "Her mum's family are there, my heart is breaking for her."

Paul Griffiths said: "When Liverpool played in the Champions League Final a few years ago, in Kiev, the hotels took the mick on prices and cancelled bookings last minute.

"The local residents got together and via social media offered fans their spare rooms, usually free of charge and included food.

"Many of them even picked up fans from the airport and dropped them off again, free of charge.

"My experience was that they were generally lovely, kind people and Kyiv is a beautiful city."

Carole Metcalfe said: "My heart aches for everyone there, God help them."

Vivienne Stone Morris said: "I feel for all the innocent people."