MPs in south Cumbria have reacted to the escalating situation in eastern Europe.

Western countries are imposing sanctions on Russia after it ordered troops to be sent to eastern Ukraine.

Barow and Furness MP Simon Fell said Russia was 'stoking up fear to commence what can only be seen as an invasion'.

"It is shocking to see a supposedly democratic nation make false accusations and assertions about a neighbouring country," he said.

"By denying Ukraine's legitimacy as a state, President Putin is now threatening the fate of some 40 million Ukrainians who want nothing more than you or I - peace and freedom.

"The Government must continue to work with allies to find a diplomatic solution to this crisis.

"It has already thrown the kitchen sink at the challenge, with the defence and foreign secretaries meeting with their counterparts, and the prime minister leading the international response in support of Ukraine.

"Now the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation must stand as one, protecting our allies and defending democracy over thuggery and aggression."

Boris Johnson has announced sanctions against five Russian banks and three billionaires.

He described the sanctions as the 'first barrage', saying further action would be taken if the situation escalated.

Westmorland and Lonsdale MP Tim Farron said he was 'deeply concerned' by the situation.

“I welcome the prime minister’s strong condemnation of Vladimir Putin’s despicable actions.

“However, I’m really disappointed to see such weak sanctions announced.

"We desperately need strong and clear sanctions if we are to defeat Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”

Britons in Ukraine have been advised to leave while it is still safe to do so.

The British ambassador in Ukraine, Melinda Simmons, has relocated from the embassy in Kyiv to Lviv in the country’s west due to fears about the risk posed to the capital from an invasion.

In a message posted to her Twitter account on Tuesday, she said: "I continue to work in Lviv with my team.

"I strongly advise British nationals to leave the country while commercial travel is available.”