TWO men involved in 'sustained' street violence which left a man seriously injured have been sentenced.

The victim of the attack in Ambleside perpetrated by Jamie Tomlinson and Macauley Renshaw, both 24, was left with serious facial injuries, including a fractured eye socket, Carlisle Crown Court heard.

Both defendants, of School Knott Drive, Windermere, admitted affray.

Prosecutor Kyra Badman said the violence broke out on May 31, 2020, after Tomlinson and Renshaw drove past the home of Simon Morley and saw him in his front garden.

The victim said the defendants' car had slowed down as they yelled at him.

On this occasion, Mr Morley, 39, lobbed a beer can at the car.

“Mr Tomlinson got out of the car and Mr Morley went to the side of the house where the car was stopped,” said Miss Badman. “Mr Tomlinson jumped over the gate into Mr Morley’s front garden. As Mr Tomlinson approached him, Mr Morley threw something at him.”

The men 'squared up', with each throwing punches. Renshaw, meanwhile, left the car and approached the two men, initially not getting involved.

A short time later, after Mr Morley had walked out of the garden on on the street, Tomlinson jumped over a gate to confront him, punching him three times.

The victim fell as Tomlinson continued the attack, punching him at least another five times.

Renshaw initially tried to stop the attack, grabbing Tomlinson and pulling him off Mr Morley.

But as Tomlinson walked away, Renshaw turned back to Mr Morley and kicked him as he lay on the road.

Mr Morley was treated in hospital for multiple injuries, some of which required stitches. Tomlinson has four offences on his record, including an assault on an emergency worker and an assault causing actual bodily harm.

Renshaw has 12 previous offences, including a battery and public order offences

Judge Nicholas Barker told Tomlinson that the 'substantial injuries' sustained by Mr Morley were in all likelihood caused by his 'sustained and violent' assault.

Tomlinson’s barrister said he had 'turned his life around' and was in settled employment. Yet a pre-sentence report had suggested a 'pattern of violence' in his behaviour.

“You are pre-disposed to lash out,” said Judge Barker.

“I consider it to be an act of serious and sustained violence in which you felled Mr Morley and attacked him while he was on the ground. He undoubtedly suffered serious physical harm. This was a busy location. It's possible from CCTV images to see groups of families walking on the street."

Renshaw, said the judge, was less to blame.

Judge Barker jailed Tomlinson for 18 months, noting that he was already on a suspended sentence.

Renshaw was given ten months jail suspended for 18 months. He must complete a thinking skills course and 20 days of rehabilitation as well as 140 hours of unpaid work.