STAFF at a charity shop are 'heartbroken' after cash and jewellery were stolen during a break-in over the weekend.

Police have launched an investigation after Age UK in Barrow's Wilkie Road was targeted by burglars.

The incident took place somewhere between 7pm on February 12 and 8.30am on February 14.

Vickie Martin, head of Age UK Barrow & District, said staff are 'heartbroken' and 'extremely upset' following the incident.

She said: "Our Age UK Charity retail shop is located on the corner of Walney Road and Wilkie Road in Barrow and was broken into sometime between 7pm on Saturday February 12 and 8.45am Monday February 15.

"Thieves damaged some property and made off with an amount of cash.

"Staff made the discovery just shortly after 9am on Monday morning and immediately reported the incident to police who are currently conducting an investigation.

"This has been an extremely upsetting incident for all staff and volunteers who work so hard to raise money from the sale of donated goods.

"All of the money raised is kept locally and supports the services provided by Age UK Barrow and district to the older community.

"We are heartbroken that someone could do this."

A spokesman for Age UK Barrow & District also issued a plea on their social media page for information about the break-in.

They said: "We are really saddened to report that our charity shop on Wilkie Road was broken into over the weekend.

"Thieves damaged property and made off with an amount of cash.

"All of the money raised from the sales in our charity shop is kept locally and goes towards supporting older people in our local community.

"This mindless act has been extremely upsetting for our staff and volunteers who work so hard to raise this essential funding.

"If you have any information that could help catch those responsible, please contact the police or our main office on 01229 831425."

If you have any information to help catch those responsible to contact Cumbria Police on 101.