READERS have shared their opinions after long-awaited roadworks began.

The roadworks on Leece Lane began on Monday.

The junction where the busy street meets Holbeck Road is having potholes repaired with traffic lights controlling vehicles moving through.

Cumbria County Council has told motorists to expect delays going through the area.

Potholes have been a long-standing issue in the area and locals around Roose will be pleased to see this fixed.

Some readers commented on the impressive size of some of the potholes in the area, whilst other readers commented on the potential danger that potholes can bring to road users.

Teresa Lomas said: "Some are so deep Anson could do a test dive…….."

Marc Courtney said: "I wonder if they can sort out the issue of the standing water opposite the Conservative club whilst they are there?"

Pete Birtles-Smith said: "Combined with the shocking parking along Yarlside Road it's surprising there hasn't been a fatal accident there are that many distractions to drivers."

Mike Last said: "Pity the priority issues in Dalton aren't receiving the same attention."

Mark Walker said: "I live on Yarlside Road and believe me there are a lot worse road in Barrow than ours."

Gordon Long said: "Was never this bad in 80s or even 90s. What's happened to make council go backwards."

Shotover said: "That particular bend with its altogether 'disgraceful road surface is 'lethal' to motorbikes and should have been sorted years ago!"

One reader thanked a local councillor for his role in tackling the issue of potholes in the area.

Martin McLeavy said: "Well done Cllr Derek Gawne for all your hard work and effort."