AN ARTISTS' work has been displayed in some of Europe’s top galleries for a digital virtual exhibition.

Work by 47-year-old artist Nikki Conigliaro, who lives in Greenodd, has been displayed in a virtual gallery in Milan and Fuerteventura for an online exhibition.

Nikki, who works as an art and photographer tutor at Barrow Sixth Form College's Rating Lane Campus, said she was a shocked but honoured when she heard the news.

She said: “I was approached via Instagram by a curator for one of my paintings I’ve done to be converted into a digital piece for an exhibition they are holding online.

“They were using this whole idea of putting a virtual gallery together because of Covid.

“Someone from Milan contacted me and asked if I would like to put some work in which was really nice and from that, a gallery in Madrid and Crete also contacted me asking if I want to exhibit with them.

“It’s a really good feeling but it felt a bit like an out of body experience if I’m honest.

“I commission and sell paintings but I’ve always been quite local and small.

“It came out of nowhere but I am really pleased.”

Nikki, who is a full time teacher, has always painted from her home and has only recently in the last 12 months set up her own website: to sell prints and paintings.

During Nikki’s successful week her work was also highlighted on The Art Queens society Facebook and Instagram page.

Nikki was delighted with the recognition of her work and said: “It was just one thing after another in one day, it was very strange.

“The Art Queens Society is a female art society which is worldwide but is mainly ran in America. I joined that just over six months ago and they picked me out on the same week as everything else.

“To get recognised is an amazing feeling - I was walking around going ‘this isn’t real’.

“I am usually one of those people who don’t believe something is good for me. I can be quite cynical and it’s very strange but it was lovely.”