In 1989 pupils at Grange Church of England School were involved in a junk model-making project as a foretaste of the forthcoming National Curriculum for craft, design and technology in primary schools.

Youngsters made models from household rubbish and scraps. The model judged to be the best - a mini snooker table - was made by seven-year-old Edward Small, who won a £5 book token.

The children of Dendron School helped in the creation of a series of books about orienteering in 1990.

Start Orienteering was a teachers' guide to introducing the subject to six to eight-year-olds and was one of a series of six books.

Author Carol McNeill, from Oxen Park, was a part-time physical education teacher at Coniston's John Ruskin School and a member of mountain rescue with her dog Kim.

The book was selling well and going to schools all over the country, said Miss McNeill.

The local flavour was kept up with illustrations by Ian Whalley, from Dalton, while Barrow photographer Antony Wright took the cover photograph.

Dendron School teachers Judith Slater and Barbara Janett worked throughout with Carol on the practical work to devise her books together with children from Leece, Gleaston and surrounding area.

Headteacher Mrs Slater said Carol chose the school because the children were the age groups the books were designed for and the group was of a manageable size.

"The aim was to show how it compliments the work we do in school under the national curriculum on environment and geography," said Mrs Slater.

In 1991 young soccer players from St Pius X RC Primary School in Barrow reached the finals of the Cumbria Police five-a-side football competition after winning the Barrow police shield in an exciting area final against Greengate Juniors.

The squad, all aged 11, were coached by their teacher Tim Roberts.

The team comprised Chris Campbell, Michael McCreanny, Dennis Tunstall, Kevin Crisp, Darren Boyle, David McKenna and Patrick Tumelty.