ONE of Furness’ most popular charity organisations and animal shelters has enjoyed a busy Christmas period and is preparing for its future in 2022.

The Owl Sanctuary has enjoyed a 14-year history which has seen it build a strong reputation in the county and beyond, as well as a large customer base in towns across the North West.

The Owl Sanctuary is located on Foxfield Road in Walney and is of high standing in the community. 

Owned and operated by Paul Rose, the charity organisation is providing care and shelter to 36 owls and has held special events and lessons for schools, events and on the streets across Cumbria.

Paul said: “I began the business 14 years ago after a suggestion from my wife.

“I served 14 and a half years in the Royal Air Force reserves and I’ve been flying since I was 16.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to fly any more after diabetes so that was when we started venturing into the sanctuary.

“I think of it like being the ground crew for the owls, just like all those people were the ground crew for me when I was flying.

“It’s unbelievable how much people have helped us over the years and helped us through the hard times.

“It’s been overwhelming sometimes to see what people are willing to do.

“There are about 6000 species of owls in the world and we only have about six in England. Many people don’t actually realise how different they all are. For example, the English barn owl is different from the American barn owl.

“We had a very successful Christmas period but sadly the one thing that got in our way was the bird flu break out so we had to cancel an event for that.

“If one bird gets it, we could lose them all.

“We did a show for a school in Blackpool when it reopened and it was so amazing to see the kids’ faces when they could get close with these creatures.

“We had Furness General Hospital write us a wonderful letter on how some of their dementia patients who really enjoyed seeing the owls up close.

“We are excited for 2022. We are looking into purchasing a piece of land to expand on in Walney where we hope to build more aviaries.

“We’re also looking into animal therapy and maybe taking on some new animals in the future.

“We are currently looking for new premises so hopefully we should have a new place to go. When one door closes another one must open.”

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