Members of Ulverston Women’s Institute celebrated 25 years of successful market trading in the town in May 1995.

The weekly Ulverston WI market, founded in May 1970, reached its silver jubilee with a celebration at the Coronation Hall.

Members toasted their anniversary with a glass of sherry and a slice of birthday cake.

There to cut the cake was former voluntary county market organiser Eileen Taylor, credited with setting up the market.

Chair Peggy Lawrence, first treasurer of the WI market, praised the work of Mrs Taylor: “She did all the spadework and got the market off the ground.”

Also at the celebrations were first chair Joyce Harrison and first secretary Janet Fletcher.

Mrs Taylor said: “The success of the WI market has been absolutely splendid and beyond our imagination.”

An exhibition included photographs of the official opening of the market 25 years previously.

Silecroft Village Hall was filled with a well-presented array of crafts and produce at the annual show organised by the Women’s Institute in 1997.

The village show had been organised by the WI for more than 40 years and was always held on the fourth Wednesday in August.

Items ranged from vegetables and produce to photographs and impressive handicrafts.

Judges for the Silecroft Show were Peggy Stubbs, Bootle, for baking and preserves; Eddie Hadwin, of Waberthwaite, for the fruit and vegetable class; Mrs Hadwin, of Waberthwaite, for the flower section; Mary Ball for handicrafts and Gillian George, of Bootle, for the children's classes.

Winners were, baking: B Taylor; produce: B Taylor; fruit and vegetables: J Watson; flowers: J Watson; handicrafts and knitting: J Cummings; needlecrafts: M Jenkinson; children's classes: Josephine Pattinson and Daniele Sim; cup for most points in classes 53-66A: J Cummings.

Meanwhile in 1990 members of the Westmorland WI markets group held their annual meeting at St Mary's social centre at Ulverston, as guests of Ulverston WI. Among those present were national federation WI markets adviser Peggy Lawrence.