HERE are the latest planning applications for the Barrow Borough Council.


Construction of part two storey and part first floor side extension forming kitchen to ground floor and master bedroom with inset balcony, en-suite and dresser to first floor; construction of rear single storey extension forming utility room; construction of front porch; associated internal layout alterations (Re-Submission of B21/2021/0051), 6A Rampside, Barrow-in-Furness.

Application for works to trees subject of Tree Preservation Order 1982 No. 7 - Scots Pine (T1236) - Raise canopy to 2.5m to achieve clearance for pedestrians, Station View, Holker Street, Barrow-in-Furness.

Application for approval of details reserved by Condition No. 6 (surface water drainage details) of planning permission 2021/0430 (Construction of a detached 1.5 Storey dwelling with detached garage and associated landscaping), Armadale, Ireleth Road, Ireleth, Askam-in-Furness.

Listed Building Consent to Replace 3 windows at the rear of the property from soft wood and in a state of dis-repair to be replaced with hard wood Accoya and will mirror the current design, 2 Market Street, Dalton-in-Furness.

Application for approval of details reserved by Condition No. 3 (Intrusive Mineral Mining Risk Assessment) of planning permission 2021/0686 (Demolition of existing house and construction of a replacement dwelling with associated work), Barrow House Farm House, Barrow House Farm, Woodbine Lane, Newton-in-Furness.

Application for works to trees subject of Tree Preservation Order 1998 No. 4- T1 Oak - to reduce the tree by 1.5 metres from all branches, 4 Monks Croft Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness.

Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Erection concrete panel and tin covered agricultural building for the storage of machinery and equipment, feed and bedding ancillary to the existing agricultural enterprise at the farm, Maidenlands, Tarn Flatt, Marton.

Proposed rear detached garage consisting of 3 parking bays for domestic use only, 2 Sea View Villas, Ilkley Road, Barrow-in-Furness.


Application for approval of details reserved by condition no.3 (landscaping) and no. 5 (surface water drainage details) of planning permission B18/2020/0777 (Demolition of Health Centre/Ambulance Station and provision of temporary 70 space car park (24 Hrs) in preparation for site re-development), Atkinson Health Centre, Market Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Split decision.

Single storey side extension to form garage, driveway to garage, window reconfiguration on front and rear elevations and property to be re-rendered (re-submission of 2021/0533 in a revised form, 61 Rampside, Barrow-in-Furness. Approved with conditions.

Extension to existing rear detached garage, 11 Poplar Bank, Barrow-in-Furness. Approved with conditions.

Partial demolition of existing garage and construction of single storey side extension to create annex accommodation for use in conjunction with the original house, 17 Hartland Road, Barrow-in-Furness. Approved with conditions.