A CHANGE-OF-USE application that would see a Barrow retail unit converted into a takeaway is set to be scrutinised by the borough council's planning committee.

The 39 Crellin Street site is flanked on each side by a hair salon and is part of a block featuring three other takeaways.

The proposal, which is set to lead to six full-time jobs, has been recommended for approval by case officer Jennifer Dickinson.

A report produced ahead of the planning committee meeting on December 14 includes an assessment of the proposal by the county council's highways department.

A highways spokesman acknowledged customers arriving at the takeaway in vehicles would 'be tempted to park on-street' despite the roads in the vicinity of the building being subject to restrictions.

"I acknowledge that many will park up/wait on double-yellow/single-yellow lines," said the spokesman.

"This in itself may cause temporary inconvenience and increase road-safety risk at times but, as Crellin Street is one-way, loading and indiscriminate parking on the north side of the road will not actually cause much of a long-term issue."

He referred to the small scale of the operation - 'it is not a KFC or McDonald's' - and said there would be 'some impact on the free flow of traffic' but that this 'cannot be described as unacceptable or severe'.

A representation from a member of the public expressed concern about rubbish in the back street to the rear of the site. It was alleged existing businesses had left rubbish uncollected.

The pre-meeting report said: "Following discussions with colleagues in our street care department, they have advised that the concerns over the excess rubbish within the back street have been resolved recently and the area is being monitored.

"In terms of the reference to impact from noise and odour, these are matters which are covered within the public protection legislation and can be addressed if necessary."

The proposal would also see an extraction flue installed. The report said the 'area of cooking and extraction' would be positioned away from a flat located at 37 Crellin Street.

The applicant, Christos Alexandrou, proposed keeping the takeaway open until 9.30pm, although the pre-meeting report suggested opening until midnight would be allowed 'for consistency with the remaining units on the block'.

Ms Dickinson said the impact from the proposed use was likely to be similar to that from the existing retail use.

She said planning policy did not prohibit takeaways existing next to residential properties, and recommended the change-of-use application for approval.