AN APPLICATION to install an electric-vehicle charging point and create a parking area and driveway at a South Lakeland property was voted down by the district council's planning committee.

The proposed scheme at 4 Berriedale Terrace, situated along the B5277 at Grange, was handed a unanimous refusal on Thursday.

Planning officer Nick Howard told the planning committee at Kendal Town Hall that the application had been recommended for refusal prior to the meeting owing to concerns over road safety, harm to a conservation area and a lack of biodiversity gain.

Planning committee member Cllr John Holmes suggested the application might be the first of many.

"I entirely agree with the reasoning for the refusal," he said.

"But, on the other hand, I have the feeling that this is going to be the start of a number of applications where people try to cope with having an electric car and having nowhere to park it."

Cllr Brian Cooper pointed out it would mean the applicant, Jade Nicholl, would not be able to charge her car up from home.

Mr Howard stressed each application had to be assessed on its individual merits.

"This is on a very fast road, visibility is very poor," he said.

"It's in a conservation area with walls we wish to retain.

"Given the whole terrace doesn't have [vehicular] access at all, this would set a precedent I think."

Cllr Judy Filmore said: "People choose to live in a conservation area and what that means to be in a conservation area.

"When they go into a house like that, they know full well what they are going into."

Cllr Michael Cornah pointed out that construction of a garage had been proposed near Berriedale Terrace and that this scheme included electric-vehicle-charging provision.

Cllr David Webster expressed concerns about the speed at which traffic moved along the B5277.

"People don't slow down on that road, it is a fast road," he said.

Cllr Malcolm Lamb, who took part in a site visit, described as 'frightening' the speed at which traffic came round the corner of the road near to which the property sat.

"I have a lot of sympathy for the applicant because, as other people have said, electric vehicle charging is going to be a major issue," he said.

"In this instance, the safety of the road has got to be paramount I'm afraid."