THOUSANDS of barrovians gathered outside the town hall dancing and singing the night away to help brighten up the town centre at an annual Christmas light switch on.

On Saturday, November 20 hundreds of families, friends and individuals helped create a fantastic atmosphere by cheering and singing along to local acts to help light up the town centre in time for Christmas.

Couple, Denis and Beth Horan from Ultimate Events UK, organised the event to make it the best the town has ever seen

45 year old Denis Horan co-runs Ultimate Events UK alongside his wife, 38 year old, Beth Horan who took over running the Christmas light switch on back in 2016 when the council had no funds so had to cut it.

Denis said: “We took over on a voluntary basis as we know how much the town enjoyed the event and wanted to keep it running.

“We couldn’t have it live last year so we did a virtual one where we filmed it at the forum.

“This years has been absolutely fantastic, it has been about three moths planning, meeting with planning organisers and coming together with all different sponsors, but it’s definitely been worth it.”

Around 5,000 people gathered to watch an array of local talent perform on stage outside the town hall to chart topping classics and Christmas anthems from 3pm – 5:50pm before the switch on took place.

Harrison Holmes, who took part in this years BBC Rickshaw challenge for Children in need was the last performer to sing, getting the whole town singing Sweet Caroline before this years switch on star, 6 year old, Ezra Mclean had the all important job of turning the lights on.

Denis said: “We promote local people and all the top singers from the area, there is so much wonderful talent in the area so it’s great to see everyone coming together to support them.

“It was such a fun filled day and too see everyone coming out, following social measures after such a dark year it’s what the town needed.

“I’d just like to say a massive thank you to BAE Systems for funding the event alongside Barrow Borough Council and Barrow BID with some amazing support from Barra Culture, The Forum theatre Barrow staff and Optech Fibre, we couldn't have held this event without all their support."