ULVERSTON erupted into song and dance as a special Children in Need event rolled into town.

20-year-old Harrison Holmes rode side by side with Matt Baker as he arrived outside The Coro today, ending the fourth day of The Great Rickshaw Relay Challenge.

The Mail:

The challenge saw Matt Baker and team take on a relay-style ride in five chapters, with each rider taking a leg each, travelling through their hometowns and visiting places which hold a particular significance for them along the way

Harrison has overcome huge hurdles to get where he is today.

He had a serious bowel infection at one week old and weighed just 1lb 8oz.

He endured two brain bleeds and more life threatening infections such as septicaemia twice, a heart duct operation, tracheostomy and hernia operations before he was even eight months old. He also has Cerebral Palsy and Chronic Lung Disease, and at 3 years-old Harrison joined BBC Children in Need funded project, Sunbeams.

The Mail:

Mum Jo Holmes was over the moon at the response in Ulverston, she said: "The welcome he had coming into Ulverston was just unbelievable. I wasn't expecting that many people at all."

Harrison was cheered on by teachers and old friends from Sandside Lodge School, where he attended for 15 years.

Sunbeams also followed Harrison along the check points to keep him entertained by singing and dancing.

He was even left good luck messages by Gary Davies and Alfie Boe.

The Mail:

Mum Jo said: "We can't believe he did a whole 16 miles, he had the best day ever.

"He has been spoilt rotten and treat like royalty. He has enjoyed it so much because he loves an audience and being treat like a superstar.

"Children in Need have really spoilt him and looked after him. He has been in his element. It has been a once in a lifetime experience.

"Proud is just not enough. My heart is just bursting watching him have the time of his life.

"Matt Baker has just been so good with Harrison, they have just really clicked and they have such a good relationship."

The Mail:

After his leg of the challenge, Harrison celebrated with a hot bath, ready to head to Edinburgh tomorrow where the challenge will come to an end.

Harrison said that taking part in the Rickshaw Challenge was "lots of fun", and that his favourite part was "riding all the way".

His journey will be available to watch as part of a one-off special programme, The Great Rickshaw Relay Challenge for BBC Children in Need, which will be broadcast on 10th November on BBC One at 19:30.

The Mail: