COUNCIL Tax should stay, according to those responding to Cumbrian Peers' suggestions that it's an unfair tax.

Former Cumbrian MP Dale Campbell-Savours is leading a campaign to reform council tax and instigated a debate in the House of Lords on the issue.

Lord Clark of Windermere also supported the sentiment that London benefits and the north suffers from the current system.

Grumpyoldbiker said: "The Poll Tax was the fairest system of all, every adult paid. Just because you have a decent house is no basis for a local tax charge.

"How can it be fair for an elderly couple to pay the same as a family of four adults in a similar property?

RippingYarn said: "It doesn't cost the council any more to empty a millionaires wheelie bin than it does to empty yours.

"It's not supposed to be a progressive wealth tax, it's supposed to cover a local authorities outgoings. I imagine that the millionaire pays a fair amount of income tax and the stamp duty on his mansion probably wasn't pennies."

Norman G said: "It is a local tax based on local services and a local population. Perhaps the population numbers in London are such that a lower property tax generates sufficient for all services.

"The 'fair' tax on general income and wealth is called income tax and capital gains and inheritance. Does he want London people to contribute to Cumbrian facilities?"

XX123! said: "Council Tax is simply unfair and just another way of allowing the rich and big business to disproportionately protect their money from tax and making those less well off compensate by paying more.

"The fact that this current government has no intent to even consider Council Tax reform is evidence that their claims about 'leveling-up' are nothing more than empty words and another false election promise that so many of us fell for."