'NEVER take a day for granted'.

Those are the words from a care home worker who has been left with 'life-changing injuries' after a fairground incident.

Chloe Austin, alongside two others, was seriously injured in an incident involving a fairground ride at the Barrow Island festival Fudstock on August 28.

Chloe, who works as an assistant practitioner at Risedale Care Home in Barrow, was transferred to Royal Preston Hospital in a critical condition following the accident.

Police have confirmed the 20-year-old is now in a stable condition and remains in hospital.

Chloe has taken to social media to thank the community for their support - and remarked how she is 'lucky to be alive right now'.

She said: "I want to say a massive thank you to all the support from the community.

"I am completely overwhelmed with how everyone has come together and supported me and the family.

"I am absolutely speechless. A massive thank you to Risedale who have supported my family and myself from day one, the security firm, Fudstock staff and Will Burnett who have been absolutely amazing also.

"I honestly don’t know how else to thank people at this moment in time.

"I honestly cannot express how grateful I am, it literally makes me cry knowing I have the best support.

"So an update on myself, I am now not in critical care but continue to require high level of care.

"I am awake and conscious and have full cognition on what’s going on.

"I am so fortunate that I do not have a brain injury, but I have organ damage and many broken bones.

"I am now off all tubes, breathing alone, and managing to eat and drink, without needing a NG tube. I’ve been awake for over a week and heard many rumours about myself: I can assure people I have both legs, I still have my tongue, and I have no brain injury. Just to clarify for the people questioning it.

"I have a long way to go yet, I still have operations needed and further investigation and will require intense physiotherapy.

"After the accident I now have life-changing injuries.

"Please never take a day for granted. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.

"Be kind be nice and be safe. I nearly lost my life due to an accident which does not happen daily. Someone must be looking down on me for me to recover and I am so lucky to be alive right now. Here’s to a long road of recovery."

Chloe’s parents, Sharon and Phil, said: “We would like to thank everyone who has helped both Chloe and ourselves throughout the past couple of weeks.

"The care and support shown right from the immediate aftermath of the incident up to the current day has been hugely appreciated.

"Chloe has got a long road to recovery but we know she greatly appreciated all the kind words. We are both so proud of the progress that she has made and continues to make.”

A joint investigation into the incident between HSE and Cumbria police is ongoing.