GLAXO challenged other industries to match its support of an Ulverston school in 1994.

Dr Tony Sherrard, factory manager at the Glaxo pharmaceutical company, issued the challenge at the opening of a new design and technology department at Ulverston Victoria High School.

He said: “I want to encourage other industries to support the school.”

STUDENT: Pupil Helen Miller, who welcomed UVHS’s decision in 1994 to allow girls to wear trousers at the school

STUDENT: Pupil Helen Miller, who welcomed UVHS’s decision in 1994 to allow girls to wear trousers at the school

Dr Sherrard said companies such as Glaxo and Oxley Developments realised the importance of helping the school.

Glaxo had provided work placements, careers advice and interview practice for Ulverston Victoria.

The school was given a grant by the Department for Education of £207,000 to improve its science and technology departments.

It was one of only two in Cumbria to receive the award.

SCHOOL: Pupils at UVHS in 1994

SCHOOL: Pupils at UVHS in 1994

In June 1994, girls from Ulverston Victoria High School had welcomed a decision by the school to allow them to wear trousers.

The schoolgirls wore skirts at that time but form the start of the autumn term they would have the option of wearing either a skirt or trousers.

The decision was announced to parents of pupils who would be starting at the Lower School after the summer holidays.

Pupil Helen Miller, 15, of Ulverston, said: “I think it’s a good thing.

“We do all the same subjects as the boys so it’s only fair we be allowed to wear trousers.”

Head of year Maureen Holland said the decision to allow girls to wear trousers brought them into line with their counterparts at other local schools.

ULVERSTON: A bus appeal at Ulverston Victoria High School in 1994

ULVERSTON: A bus appeal at Ulverston Victoria High School in 1994

The Mail's Meet the Pupil feature in November 1994 focused on Susannah Brice, head girl at Ulverston Victoria high School.

Susannah, 17, who lived at Leece, was studying Biology, English Language and German at A-Level.

Her hobbies included playing the drums, walking, climbing and socialising.

She said she enjoyed all sorts of music, including Pearl Jam and Credit to the Nation.

Asked what made her mad, she replied: "People who are stubborn."