Two public-spirited divers donned their wetsuits and breathing apparatus last week to help retrieve a gate that ‘mysteriously disappeared’ years ago.

Divers Angus Hosking and James Kirby from Lake District Diving took the plunge to search for the missing farm gate in Grasmere as part of their ongoing mission to clean up the Lakes.

The iron gate mysteriously disappeared from Loughrigg Terrace two years ago and was located by the pair on the bed of the lake following a two-hour search.

The divers sprang into action following a request for help from National Trust area ranger, Neil Winder.

“I had a feeling that this is where the gate would be found,” he said.

“Having mysteriously disappeared a couple of years ago we searched for it far and wide but eventually realised that this is where it had to be.

“I can’t say how relieved I am to have found it and I can’t thank Angus and James enough for their help. They provide a fantastic service, all free of charge, and I couldn’t have solved the mystery without them.”

The gate, having been at Loughrigg Terrace for over 50 years before its disappearance, will now undergo some minor repairs at a blacksmith before being installed back in place by Neil and his rangers.

Lake District Diving is a community organisation run by volunteers to help tackle the growing problem of litter being thrown into the region’s waterways.

Relying solely on donations, the team is frequently seen diving the depths of Windermere and other lakes, to not only remove unsightly and harmful rubbish, but to also locate lost items.

“Litter in the lakes is a growing problem and removing it is very important to us to help keep our waterways as beautiful and pristine as possible,” said Mr Hosking.

“We don’t charge for our services but rely solely on donations. We use the money to invest in diving gear to keep us safe in the water and we recently purchased a metal detector that comes in very handy when we help people find missing items and valuables, such as mobile phones and wedding rings.

“We love what we do and hope that we can continue our work for many years to come.”

Any donations can be made at Lake District Diving’s page on