YOUNGSTERS from Ormsgill enjoyed a spot of gardening and beach fun with thanks to two community groups.

Saturday saw the kick off for the Ormsgill Community Garden Project, organised by Barra Culture and funded by the Arts Council.

Environmental artist Richard Shilling from Lancaster and garden designer Kate Jackson from Penrith were selected by Ormsgill residents to help them transform a currently unused walled wooded area, situated in the heart of Ormsgill, into a community garden that all the local residents will be able enjoy far into the future.

Children and adults from community group Ormsgill Stronger Together joined Richard and Kate at the garden as they learned surveying skills with Matt Sanderson.

Richard said: "We were both absolutely delighted to be chosen by the Ormsgill community to help them redesign their green space and last Saturday we spent the morning with them while they completed a site survey, lead by local surveyor Matt Sanderson. Before heading to Sandy Gap on Walney in the afternoon to make sand art on the beach.

"It was really interesting to learn surveying skills from Matt and to get to know some of the community leaders from Ormsgill. And it was a real treat to show them how to make cool beach art at Sandy Gap. I think it is fair to say everyone young and old had a really good time! Kate and I are really looking forward to working on this project and with the Ormsgill community over the coming weeks and months as we transform their garden space together."

A spokeswoman for Ormsgill Stronger Together said: "The purpose of the day was to learn some surveying skills in our community garden.

"We had a surveyor teach us how to do this, adults and children were involved.

"Following this we headed to the beach where Barra Culture taught us how to create sand art using rakes and other tools. We did this on a large scale! "The purpose was to bring art into the community and to demonstrate how we can express creativity in our natural environment.

"Everyone really enjoyed the sand art and worked together to create some masterpieces."