AFTER calls for a road layout to be changed came from a councillor and an MP, calls have been made to focus on the drivers, not the road.

After the A590 at Levens had two serious incidents in two weeks, Tim Farron and Councillor John Holmes both called for Highways England to install a roundabout.

But it should be the drivers who are blamed rather than the road, say the public.

Nigel Wilson said: "There's no such thing as a dangerous road; it's the drivers who are at fault."

Rob Bethell said: "The road is not a dangerous road; no such roads exist. It's dangerous, inconsiderate drivers.  This shows they have not learned how to drive properly."

Ian Garnett said: "It’s not the road that’s dangerous, it’s the reckless and irresponsible drivers who cause the accidents. They speed along this stretch of road or take chances pulling out into traffic where they can’t judge distances or speed."

Some conceded that changes to the road could be made, however.

Tourer said: "The road is fine.

"It's the general standard of road users, especially speeds.  The only way to improve is to fit high quality permanent speed cameras along the whole section of the A590."

Mike Mcveigh said: "There is nothing wrong with this section of road, provided that everyone drives with due care but the layout does not leave much room for errors or misjudgement.

"A roundabout is probably a safer option. Only recently I saw a car come out of the side road and turn in the wrong direction!"

Stephen Hewitt called for restraint.

He said: "Let's wait for the police investigation to be finished.

"Sadly, time after time, too many folk who know very little about what has occurred start making demands."