THE CONTINUED use of COVID marshals by Barrow Borough Council has come under fire.

They were first introduced in November last year during the second national lockdown.

According to Barrow Council, their role includes offering advice and cleaning and they will remain in place in spite of the end of lockdown regulations.

They proved unpopular among readers of The Mail, however.

Website user Furness Abbot suggested that they could break-in trainers for prospective JD customers, referring to a story in The Mail regarding a man who ordered trainers from JD Sports and was dismayed to find they arrived already dirty.

Another website user said: "How are they keeping people safe ? What a waste of our money unless someone is benefiting personally from it, it does not make any sense to continue ploughing funds into a redundant service."

Blanche Turner said: "Its a waste of time and money now we dont really need them now."

A different reader said: "A disgraceful waste of money, they achieve absolutely nothing as there is negligible to zero risk."

Boris White said: "Not as bad as Australia yet hope things do not go like Australia."

Australia has come under criticism for harsh punishments dished out to its citizens and fines of up to $3700 can be dispensed.

Last year £256,274 was dished out by the Government to fund Covid marshals in Cumbria, split between each of the county’s six district councils.

The money for the county was distributed to each of the six district to spend as they see fit.

The allocations saw Allerdale awarded £51,260, Barrow £44,060, Carlisle £55,848, Copeland £40,804, Eden £23,700 and a total of £40,602 was given out to South Lakeland District Council.