A 24-HOUR vending machine selling fresh milk and flavoursome milkshakes will open this Monday.

The Milk Hut, at High Roosebeck Farm, Goadsbarrow, will give customers the chance to enjoy fresh, local milk and delicious milkshakes, all day, every day.

The family-run business was set up by first generation farmers Chris Ford and his partner Jessica Pinder, who took over High Roosebeck farm last September.

Jessica, 30, said the idea of The Milk Hut came after she visited a similar one in Carlisle.

“We visited one in Carlisle about a year a go and we thought we are in such a good location why not make the most of our area and our farm and bring one here," she said.

“There is nothing like that round here and you don’t know how something is going to go until you try.”

Parents to Aubery, four and Isaac, one, Jessica and Chris said they want to share the fresh, good quality milk from their cows with the community

Jessica said: “We really care for our cows and we want to give customers the enjoyment of it rather than giving it all away.

“We also want to reduce food miles so all of the glass bottles used for the milk can be brought back and used again.

“The paper cups for the milkshakes are also recyclable.”

When Jessica, originally from Holme, and her partner Chris, 35, from Leece, announced last month that they would be bringing a milk vending machine to the area, the community responded very positively on Facebook making Jessica excited for what is to come.

Jessica said: “From the response we’ve had on Facebook we are expecting a lot of people visiting. We are really chuffed, we didn’t expect the word to get around like it has.

“This just proves that people are looking to get things straight from the farm and to support local businesses.”