Councillor praises police for dealing with drug gang. 

Friday, July 23 four people who were involved in a £100,000 drugs operations that exploited a 15-year-old have been jailed for more than 19 years combined.

The groups supplied heroin and crack cocaine in Barrow as part of a network operating from Merseyside. 

Councillor, Bill McEwan said he is glad the police have been on top of it and caugh them.

He said: "This is what happens with these gang, they get hold of these youngsters and promise them all sorts.

"Young kids don’t have a lot of money then these gangs tell them they can have so much money and it gets them saying 'wow' - it’s easy to get them hooked onto it.

"Once it gets a hold on them it makes them worse and they carry on.

"I’m glad the police have been on top of it and caught them and it has been dealt with

"Even though it’s an ongoing thing, the police do a great job dealing with these group an taking them off the street, but I feel sorry for the polie cause I wish they could take them all of the street and not have any more coming in."