BOSSES of a rugby club turned giant beer garden could lose their licence after complaints of rowdy behaviour and loud music leaving neighbours unable to sleep.

The Barrow Raiders ground has thronged with punters sinking pints in the sun, with thousands attending Craven Park to watch England's performances in the Euros.

But now the venue could lose its licence after complaints of disorder and 'excessive' noise.

An application has been made for Barrow Council to review to the venue's licence that could result in the club being banned from selling alcohol or hosting entertainment.

Drinkers allegedly leaving the Duke Street club and exposing themselves and threats to residents have been cited in complaints sent to council chiefs.

An application to review the licence has been made by residents Caroline and Jason Postlethwaite.

Writing to the council they said: "The levels that the sound is played (be it TV, DJ or music) is excessive.

"It can be heard right round the town centre and beyond.

"There is little consideration for the residents who live in the area who are currently blasted with noise continually all day every weekend.

"Personally, we have had to shut our windows to be able to sleep (although this doesn't block all the sound).

"Additionally, we have had to leave the area at times to avoid the noise levels, this is unsustainable and is having a negative impact on our home life."

They said people were coming out of the venue 'exposing themselves whilst urinating against the local church wall'.

"Not only is this anti-social and nuisance behaviour it can clearly be viewed as offensive and morally unacceptable," they said.

The pair said the 'highly intoxicated' patrons were leaving the venue 'shouting and swearing' at other residents and threatening violence.

Steve Neale, chairman of Barrow Raiders, said the club would work with the council and had devised an 'action plan' going forward, with the club due to 'quieten down'. The review is open for representations until August 11.