Barra Culture announces new dates for Festival of Colours.

Barra Culture announced that the Festival of Colours, has sadly postponed due to ongoing uncertainty over Covid-19 restrictions and has been rescheduled for Friday April 1 and Saturday April 2 2022.

Helen Bartosinski, Marketing Manager for Barra Culture said: “We are really excited that the festival is definitely going a head now.

“Myself and my team were obviously disappointed that we had to postpone it but the new dates will be really nice as they coincide around the holy dates around spring next year.

“It’s a really exciting event for all the town to look forward to."

The event which was originally to take place on Saturday June 26 2021 in and around Barrow Market hall and The Forum was postponed in June after te Prime Ministers, Boris Johnsons announcement, extending the current restrictions to July 19 which does allow events of this nature to go ahead.

The planning and preparation for the Festival of Colours events was always planned in complete accordance with the Government guidelines and the third stage of the roadmap which was due to end on June 21.

However, taking into account additional advice and guidance from central and local authorities regarding public health, and wanting to take additional, extra precautions for the safety of all, the decision was taken to postpone.

Now with a new date for next year, Festival of Colours will be an explosion of South Asian music, food and dance in Barrow’s Town Centre, providing a fun filled day out for all the family.

The new date has been chosen in consultation with key delivery partners as well local people from the South Asian community, and aligns with the welcoming of Spring and Holi 2022.

The Festival of Colours, organised by Barrow Borough Council, The Forum and Barra Culture,will feature arts, crafts, food and more from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries.

The event will champion diversity in the Borough and create powerful connections between people across the area and those from the subcontinent.

Barra Culture’s vision is for everyone in Barrow to have the opportunity to experience arts and culture.

Daniel Tyler-McTighe, director of Barra Culture, says ‘it’s going to be a huge, colourful spectacle, which will definitely be worth the wait!”

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