THE MAIL readers have had their say about a ‘no right turn’ sign on the A590 at Newby Bridge which has caused frustration and now been modified.

Police said there had been several reports about the sign from the Lakeside/Hawkshead road on to the A590 at Newby Bridge, which was installed several months ago and has been altered recently.

The sign had been implemented as a safety measure for road users as the manoeuvre is hazardous, especially at busy times.

Lynn Huck said: “I use this junction four times a week and I can guarantee that every single time I do, there’s always at least one numpty still turning right.

"They need to build up the pavement to force the left turn because the signpost clearly doesn’t work for some people.”

Rebecca Halford said: “There needs to be a sign at the roundabout because I nearly get hit each morning going around it.

"They think me having my right indicator on is to carry on the A590 not going the full way round."

She added: “I wish there was a way to safely drop off children at the bus stop without going on the main road.”

Shain Bird said: “I’ve had more than one person cut me up turning right historically so it’s a good idea.”

Julie Macmillan Clarke said: “They need to do this at the garage as well.”

Malcolm Gair said: “I still see people turning right on a regular basis.”

Christine Johnson commented: “I’ve always turned left to the roundabout much safer.”

Allen Rodgers said: “Drivers still turn right, it will take more than a puny little sign to stop them.”