DEALERS threw substances out the window when police stormed a flat used as the 'main base' for drug supply in Barrow.

Three people were sentenced at Preston Crown Court yesterday for their role in the supply of class A drugs in the town.

The court heard a flat in Egerton Court was used as a base for the supply of heroin and crack cocaine in Barrow.

Abbie Dougan, Daniel Gold and Kevin Allen were all handed prison sentences when they faced court.

The court heard that an unidentified drug dealer in Merseyside sent a youth to Furness to deal drugs using a mobile phone supply line known as the 'Jimmy' line.

He was initially stationed in Ulverston but was then allowed to use Dougan and Gold's flat on Barrow Island to sell drugs for the following day.

Allen was said to have been seen dealing drugs near to Egerton Court on September 10.

He was later arrested and found with five wraps of crack cocaine.

Police raided the flat in Barrow Island and found one of the dealers in the bedroom throwing wraps of drugs out of the window.

Officers found more than 500 wraps of cocaine and heroin in the flat as well as £915 in cash and packaging paraphernalia, the court heard.

Police were said to have returned to the flat later in the day and arrested Dougan.

In mitigation, Allen was said to have become involved in drug dealing while homeless and living in a tent.

Gold accepted the 'seriousness' of the offence.

Dougan's role was described as 'turning a blind eye' to drug supply from her property, with her being away from the flat on the day of the offences.

Judge Martin Walsh sentenced Allen to four and a half years in prison and Gold to 24 months.

Dougan received 24 months in prison suspended for two years for her 'lesser role' in the operation.

He said the 'foul trade' of county lines drug dealing has a 'devastating impact on communities'. "To some extent you are the victims of the drug dealing trade," he said.