A NEW Poverty map for Barrow has both main party leaders concerned.

A data map released from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in London, has for the first time created a borough-wide snapshot of the haves and the have nots, prompting both the Conservatives and Labour to react.

Labour Cllr Ann Thomson, leader of Barrow Council, is concerned by the findings. She said: “38 per cent of our children are living below, on, or just above the poverty line. I find this totally unacceptable in 2021.

“That is why fighting poverty and inequalities are one of the main priorities in our council plan and our growing forward plan."

The Conservatives on the council, led by Cllr Hazel Edwards, who represents Hawcoat, has been studying the rise and fall of deprived areas for many years. She said: “Having studied local, county and national figures, they show that Barrow became marginally less deprived relative to other lower-tier local authorities nationally, moving from 29th to 31st most deprived.”

The new ONS data, shows that of the 49 neighbourhoods in Barrow, 15 were among the 20 per cent most income-deprived in England. However, nine made it into the 20 per cent least income-deprived neighbourhoods in England.

Cllr Thomson said: “We are in the process of setting up a Poverty Truth Commission, which will investigate the root causes of poverty in all the wards of the Borough.

“That is why we put some of the Covid response money into a hardship fund which, amongst other things, provided school uniforms, coats, shoes, underwear and socks and Christmas presents to families who could not afford them."

Cllr Edwards said: “ Barrow is now receiving large amounts of Conservative government funds to invest in enhancing areas of the town.

“It is the decision of the Labour council how it is spending this money.

“It is interesting to note that SW Newbarns and Risedale wards are much worse than Ormsgill. However, our Labour-controlled council is only concentrating on central wards.

“Figures show that between 2004 and 2010 under a Labour government, Barrow island, central, Hindpool, Ormsgill, Parkside and Risedale wards worsened.

“Child poverty should not exist in our town. There is great support from all sorts of organisations and there always has been. This support has greatly increased during Covid.”

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