A TEAM of post mistress' and councillors are urging people to make use of a mobile Post Office.

Post Office staff Lorraine Edgeler and Helen Couson have brought a 'lifeline' service back to Ormsgill after setting up shop in the community centre on Millstone Avenue.

Open each Friday between 1pm-4pm, the team say they "have to see the need for it", before expanding operations further.

Helen said: "We are hoping for big things from Ormsgill."

The duo are expecting the Post Office service to initially be quiet.

Lorraine said: "For the first couple of weeks or months it is going to be quiet until word gets about of what we do and where we are at. The post office is a life line for people.

"Pensioners need to know we are here. There's nothing worse than them thinking that they can't just nip out to pay a bill, and that they will have to travel into Barrow to pay it.

"It's more of a life line for them. Some are scared to go that far away from home.

"We are happy to do this permanently. If there's a need for it, if it gets busy and there's need for an extra day or extra hours then the Post Office will consider doing it more."

Ormsgill Councillor Bill McEwan, along with fellow ormsgill councillors, Cllr Beverly Morgan, Cllr Derek Brook, Barrow and Furness MP Simon Fell and Cumbria County Council, worked to bring back the service after the retirement of a postmistress led to the closure of the area's Post Office last year.

Encouraging residents to use the service, Bill McEwan said: "I told the first customer to go and spread the word. The service they are doing is fantastic, anything you can get in a post office you can get here.

"It's taking some time to get it up and running. We are hoping footfall picks up. People were crying out for a post office."

Councillor Beverly Morgan said: "We have overcome a number of obstacles and challenges to retain an essential Post Office on Ormsgill estate using a bit of creative thinking and working together to make it happen. Our Post Office has always been at the heart of our community and a place where neighbours and friends can keep in touch. Having the Post Office in the community centre will continue to provide a much needed service that brings people together.

"It's a fantastic resource."

Barrow and Furness MP Simon Fell added: "It was absolutely fabulous to see the new post office counter open in Ormsgill Community Centre. This has been a great team effort with Bill, Beverley, Derek, myself and the County Council working together to get a result that delivers for residents in Ormsgill."