A FAMILY-run takeaway that has spanned four decades has closed its doors for good.

Bought by Jim’ Sun-Kwai, 80, and ‘Jean’ Miu-Chun, 73, in 1981, their son, Gavin Choi, 45, has been at the helm of Yungnien Chinese Takeaway in Cavendish Street, Barrow, for the past 10 years.

Mr Choi said: “Originally this was my parents' business, they opened it in 81. My Father is 80 now so it is a physically demanding job, my dad and I could do up to 70 something hours a week. It was just the perfect time for them to retire during lockdown. I took over the business 10 years ago. It would be quite difficult with just myself and my wife."

Talking about what he would miss most about the takeaway, and his favourite memories, Mr Choi said: “It has been unforgettable. I would like to express love to all of our customers, without them I wouldn’t be in the position that I am in.

“I will miss the rush of the weekends, I do miss back in the 80s when there would be queues going round the corner of the takeaway. There would be loads of police just outside facing the shop with guard dogs ready for something to kick off — and it quite often did back in the day!

“I just miss seeing people and our regular faces, and to see the next generation come, too. Little children would come in during the 80s, then they’d grow up and bring their children in, that’s lovely to see people grow up.”

He added: “We thought this would be the appropriate time to wrap it up. Because we have been closed down for so long, my parents couldn’t see themselves being able to do these hours again.

“It was a tough decision.”