READERS have called for a driver to be found and held to account after a family of geese was killed in Barrow.

The birds were run over on Wednesday night as they crossed Wilkie Road, with several dying.

Mail readers expressed disgust and outrage at the act.

Lori Robinson said: “My blood boils at this.

“It is murder and they should be brought to justice.

“Who would even think of doing this? It’s beyond barbaric, some humans do not deserve a place on this earth. Those poor babies - it’s so upsetting.

“This is a little innocent geese family they have murdered, it’s beyond belief really.

“This is one sick, evil individual who has done this and the community is outraged at this evil act.”

Diane Thomson said: “Heartbreaking - I passed there yesterday with the dog, there were feathers and blood all over.

“It was stomach-churning, they need the book throwing at them.”

Louise Crowe said: “This is so abhorrent.

“I witnessed a woman mow down a duck yesterday on the Coast Road (there was a family of ducks crossing the road and she just drove through them) - I don’t believe for one minute she didn’t realise what she had done.

“She didn’t even slow down, she must have felt/heard the thud and seen the feathers.

“Some people are so heartless.”

Pamela Kavanagh said: “So sad. They would definitely have seen them.

“I come home that way every day from work and I see them all the time, either waiting to cross or walking on the pavement.

“I know I would have seen that many crossing the road.”

Christina Howker said: “Fundraiser for a safety camera for the stretch of road where they cross?

“Surely there has to be some way to deter people from doing this?”

Nicola Birkett said: “So awful. They need to install CCTV around there, it’s happened before - the birds need protecting.”