READERS have had their say after a hospital worker called for a day of remembrance dedicated to those who lost their lives due to Covid-19.

Gemma Humes, who works at Furness General Hospital, said she was saddened to see first-hand how families were not able to see loved ones receiving treatment for the virus before their deaths.

Now she is urging the Government to consider a memorial day on March 23 every year to remember those who died from the virus, just as Remembrance Sunday commemorates fallen soldiers.

Miss Humes, 35, has written to Furness MP Simon Fell to campaign for the day and received his support.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that a permanent physical memorial would be built to remember the more than 100,000 people across the UK who died after contracting the virus.

This is what our readers had to say:

Margaret Johnson posted: “No thank you! I think this country spends too much time looking back at misery.

“Grief is personal to the family and friends who have lost someone dear, they will always be remembered.”

Dave Baker said: “I don’t agree really, as which day would you pick? First case, first death or first clear day when all over?"

Nikki Walker said: “A really nice thought for people to remember. And also it can be each individual’s choice as to whether they want to join in on the remembrance too.

“Definitely agree for those who wish to have a memorial day.”

Humes Pat said: “A memorial day is lovely idea for those affected by Covid.”

Gwen Dover said: “A lovely idea.”