Concerns that Ulverston could become a ‘ghost town’ due to rising house prices have been dismissed.

According to figures published by Land Registry, house prices in South Lakeland are increasing more than the North West average.

But readers of The Mail were not entirely convinced, with one saying it was 'quite the opposite'.

Barrow Insider said: “If the prices are high it’s because people want to live there. Ulverston is not becoming a ghost town. Quite the opposite!”

LA590 said: “Won’t become a ghost town. Just attracting more people from out of the area to move there.”

Ian Mcskimmings said: “Yes, totally. Been on the cards for years. Just like what happened in the Lakes. Kids brought up there cannot afford mortgages and it will be out of towners who will buy. It’s sad.”

Deborah Henry said: “I would have loved to have bought a house in my hometown but totally unaffordable on a single wage.”

John Parrott said: “Seems already to have lost some of its character due to gentrification; once decent pubs now serving cocktails and tapas to the corduroy trouser and blazer crowd.”

Tracy Garnett said: “Stupid prices for houses always has been, the town centre has lost its market days and has become a cafe capital.”

Steven Patton said: “Lots of low-cost housing for locals being built in town area.”

Mark Anderson said: “Absolutely ridiculous property prices all over the UK, totally unaffordable and unrealistic.”

Mary on Saturday said: “So what happens to the people already owning houses in Ulverston? Surely if they are too expensive no one will buy them, so the existing owners will have to stay put.” Bez ulverston said: “And a lot of the houses are second homes so it means a vast majority of properties are lying empty.

"What a stupid statement, clearly the vast majority of properties in Ulverston are NOT lying empty."