AN INQUEST was opened into the death of a 39-year-old woman from Barrow yesterday.

Kelsie Brownlie died on August 9, 2020 in Barrow and a full inquest to determine how she died was due to take place on April 8, but due to new evidence being submitted, the formal investigation was changed to a pre-inquest review hearing.

This hearing assessed the evidence that was due to be put before the court and establish who would be giving evidence.

At the beginning of the hearing, assistant coroner Craig Smith said: "Following a report being submitted by Psychiatry UK, it is deemed not appropriate to run the inquest today.

"When new evidence comes to light it is right to deal with it appropriately."

The report was a serious incident report completed by Dr Major at Psychiatry UK which was requested by the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.

The coroner believed it was appropriate to invite Dr Major, the author of the report, to give live evidence at the inquest, which he hoped to be heard within two to three months.

The report was said to refer to Ms Brownlie's mental health conditions including Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and alcohol dependence syndrome, Cockermouth Coroner's Court was told.

Questions were raised over the treatment that Ms Brownlie received, and Craig Smith said the medication plan as well as the communication between the trust and Psychiatry UK was something he would address at the full inquest.

Concluding the hearing, coroner Craig Smith said: "I know there may be disappointment that the inquest was not concluded today but we want to make sure that we have all the information available and that we have got all the facts to make an informed decision."