The past year has been a turbulent year for many, but it has made us appreciate our mum's even more.

Today is a day to celebrate the special women in our lives and all the things they do for us.

Although many of us cannot see our loved ones in person because of lockdown restrictions that doesn't mean we can't celebrate all the wonderful things they do for us day-in-day-out.

We asked our readers to send in a picture of their mum and what makes them so special. Here's what Cumbrian readers had to say.

Joanne Robinson from Barrow praised her mum Suzanne Beach. She said: "My mum is the best because she is always there for me and my family through thick and thin."

Patrick-Junior from Millom praised his mum Michelle O'Neil. He said: "My mum is the best because she looks after me and helps me."

Siblings Pippa and James Dixon from Dalton praised their mum Robin Howarth. They said: "My mummy is the best because she gets me plasters."

Ellie Parker from dalton praised her mum Rebecca. She said: "My mummy is the best because she makes me laugh when we play silly dressing up games. She reads me lots of stories & does funny voices. My mummy loves me more than anything else."

Little Kobe from Askam praised his mum Sophie Dodd. He said: "She's my precious girl."

Siblings Gemma Woodburn, Charlotte Houston & David Houston from Barrow praised their mum Margaret Waddding. They said: "Our mum is one in a million and would do anything for us. She is always there to help us and is an amazing Nanny to."

Olivia Forristal from Barrow paid tribute to her mum Lisa. She said: "A literal hero, who donated a kidney to my Gangan 7 years ago."

Siblings Olivia and Lachlan Evans from Barrow praised their mum Alison. They said: "My mum has been there for us since the day we were born, we wouldn’t be the people we are today without her. She is amazing in every way possible."

 Little Faith from Dalton praised her mum Shannon Allonby. She said: "My mum is the best because she works very hard to give me all that I wish for and loves me very much!"

Kara Griffiths from Dalton praised her gran Joyce Griffiths. She said: "She is the most caring, beautiful and gorgeous lady."

Kara Griffiths from Dalton praised her mum Jill Griffiths. She said: "She is the best mum as she makes the best lumpy gravy."

Little Athena from Dalton praised her mum Ashleigh Carter. She said: "My mummy is the best because we watch Scooby-Doo and eat popcorn, I like it when we go on Fairy walks and play pirates.."

Candice Lapping heaped praised on her mum Suzanne. She said: My mum is the best because she always puts everyone first. Nothing is to much. Always looking after grandchildren and helping us when we need it."

Katie Hird and her brother Alexander heaped priase on their mum Susan They said: "Our mum is our best friend & biggest supporter! Happy Mother’s Day to the best mum."

Little Connie, 4, from Carlisle praise her mammy. She said: "My mammy helps me do everything and kisses and cuddles me."

Becky Young gave a shout out to her mum and best friend Sue Young. She said: "My mam is my rock and my best friend. She is my role model and always has mine and her grand daughter Connie's best interests at heart."

Teddie Hetherington from Carlisle praised his mum Sarah. He said: "My mum is my best friend, we laugh so much together."

Susan Parkinson from Carlisle said she couldn't wait to spend with her mum Ann after lockdown. She said: My mum is the best simply because she is mine."

Siblings Layla and Coby Nicol from Carlisle praised their mum Ailsa Little. They Said: "Our mum is the best because she loves us so much and makes us happy."

Hannah Lace priased her mum Maggie pictured here with Hannah, Robert, Paul and grandson Alexander. Hannah said: "My mum is the most selfless woman with a heart of gold. She's so funny, loves to dance, and gives amazing mum hugs."

Little Jacob from Carlisle praised his mum Hannah. He said: "My mum is the best because she is strong and despite everything, she never gives up. She is kind and loving."

Little Jordan and brother A.J Andrew junior praised their mum Bethany. They said: "My mum is the best because she is kind, caring and beautiful and always tries her hardest."

Hannah from Carlisle will be spending Mother's Day remembering her mum Sheila. She said: "Her patience was limitless. She gave the best hugs. She made lots of sacrifices. She always made me happy. She was always kind and caring."

Elijah CJ praised his mum Kathryn. He said: "My mum is the best because she is loving caring and the best mum in the world."

Eva Blacklock praised her mum Janine Scott. She said: "My mam is the best because she cuddles me and packs my lunch for school."

Janine Scott heaped praise on her mum Gillian Winder. She said: "She’s been through so much and still comes out smiling. Love you mam xxx"

Siblings Lily and Edie heaped praise on their mum Georgina Wood. They said: "Our mum is the best because she loves me and makes me smile all the time."

Olivia Rose Fidoe heaped praise on her mum Julie. She said: "My mum is the best because she looks after me and is kind and makes me happy when I am sad!"

Lexi Bramall heaped praise on her mum Jemma. She said: "My mum is the best because she cooks nice teas and help me with my school work and she's funny."

Sisters Chloe, Lucy, Millie and Katie heaped praise on their mum Jen Forster. The girls said: "She is the best because she gives lots of hugs and kisses when we are sad. We love her lots."

Siblings Kara, Ollie Megan and Leah heaped praise on their mum Kerrie Iredale. They said: "Our mum is the best because she does everything she can to make us all happy. She is super caring and we love her very much."

Jake Bell heaped lots of praise on to his mum Michelle Bell. He said: "My mum is the best because she's always there for me."

Siblings Angel, Deon and Cole praised their mum Sophia Hodgson. They said: "My mam is the best ever. She is an incredible Mam she always makes us happy."

Alex Mearns heaped praise on his mum Elizabeth. He said: "My mum is the best because she's always there for me, and even travelled half way around the world for my wedding to give a speech which she really didn't want to."

Little Laney Cross praised her mum Laura. She said: "My mum is the best because I love her and she likes to play hide and seek with me."

Caitlyn Rowson heaped praise on her mum and best friend Nicola Rowson. She said: "My mum is the best because she is really kind and always does her best for me."

Shona McMullen heaped praise on her supportive mum Adele. She said: "My mum is the most supportive and beautiful woman in the world and we are all so lucky to have her. "

Little Myla praised her mum Sara Connor. She said: "My mum is the best because she is kind and amazing."

Kelly Kirkbride heaped praise on her mum Jacquline. Kelly said: "My mum is the best because she thought me how to be a strong independent woman. She is the strongest woman I know."

Little Holly had help heaping praise onto her Mammy. She said: "My mammy is the best because she had me during lockdown and hasn't had the best support due to Covid. "

Darcey Mae' Opie from Barrow and her sister Nevaeh Rose praised their mum Emma Poynter. They said: "The love our mum has for us is always above anything else and we're proud she's our mum."

Sophie Megannon and her siblings David, Sophie, Sammi, Cameron from Barrow praised their mum. They said: "She is just amazing she so strong and keeps us all going."

Louise Gomersall from Barrow said her mum Caroline Dawson was an 'amazing woman'. Louise, who has two siblings Matthew and Jennifer, said: "She is an amazing woman, who is always there for you, and would do anything for anyone."

Joanne Robinson from Barrow praised her mum Suzanne Beach. She said: "She is always there for me and my family through thick and thin."

Little Boris from Dalton has praised his mum Viktoriia Apanasova ahead of Mother's Day. Little Boris said: "My mum is the best because she loves me always."

Finley Burch from Millom gave a shout out to his mum Debs. He said: "My mum is the best because she makes the best food ever and does the best things with me. I love her very very much."

Kirstin Garrett from Barrow praised her mum Sue. Kirstin said: "My Mum has been so supportive especially over the last 12 months when my wedding has been postponed due to the pandemic."

Sarah Richman and her sister Jackie praised their mum Mal. They said: "Our mum is the best because she's just our mum."

Cameron Richman and his brothers Joel and Cameron from Barrow gave a special shout out to their mum Sarah. They said: "Our mum is the best because she's so caring, funny, and such an amazing parent. There is nothing better we could ask for."

Sisters Chloe and Jessica Falvey from Dalton praised their mum Debi Falvey. They said: "Mum is the best because she is always kind and helpful to me and gives me hugs when I’m upset."

Aimee and Tilly Robinson from Barrow praised their caring mum Joanne Robinson. They said: "Our mum is the best mum the best because she loves us, cares for us and will do anything for us."

Megan Cleary from Brampton praised her mum Susan. 
She said: "My mum has always been there for me. She has helped me through problems with mental health and she is my best friend. She is also a wonderful Grandma to my son."

Emma Martin from Barrow praised her mum Kim Hillman as the best. She said: "My mum is the best because she’s the best nana to her grand daughter Margot. She hasn’t been able to see her for a year because she had to shield."

Stacey Mitchell from Barrow praised her mum Margaret Buckingham. She said: "My mum is the best because she has looked after me all my life and then looked after my children so I could go to work. I couldn’t of done it without her."

Abigail Winter from Barrow will be remembering her beloved mum this Mother's Day. She said: "My mum passed away when I was 6 years old so I always struggle this time of the year. All I have is the wonderful memories of how special she was."

Stacie Pratt from Barrow praised her mum Jacqueline Parkinson. She said: "I have the best mam anyone could ask for. She is beautiful inside and out."

Daveigh and Dougie Ballantyne aged 10 and eight from Barrow have praised their mum Chelsea Ballantyne. They said: "She's the best because she is our mum. We love doing Tik Toks together and is lots of fun . We also love her big cuddles."

Little Effie from Broughton-in-Furness praised her mummy Helen Satterthwaite. She said: "My mum is the best because she's kind and lovely."

Jason Bush from Carnforth heaped praise on his mum Lesley Bush. He said: “She is a wonderful mother and Grandma. She will do anything for anyone, she has been there for us all through thick and thin.”

Vickie Maddison and her sister Jenny heaped praise on their mum Cheryl Inwood. They said: “Our mum is the best because she always does everything she can for us. She helps out when she can and is always there to listen."