THE family of a man who died after taking drugs say they will ‘never stop loving him’.

Scott Atkinson was found dead at home after not responding to messages from his partner for several days, an inquest heard.

Cockermouth Coroner’s Court was told the 28-year-old had three drugs in his system following his death in Barrow.

The former BAE worker was found dead at his home in Newcastle Street on July 6 last year.

Police and paramedics had attended his home to find him unresponsive in his bed.

The court heard friends had raised fears that he needed urgent medical attention when they used a ladder to look into his property and saw him lying on his bed.

Partner Laura Calvert said she had kept daily contact with Mr Atkinson in the four months of their relationship and had become concerned after not hearing from him for a number of days.

In a statement read in the inquest, she said the pair were planning to go on a caravanning holiday around the time of Mr Atkinson’s death.

“Our relationship was really good,” she said. “We spoke every day and despite our relationship being in the early days we were happy and were making plans for the future.”

She said Mr Atkinson had seemed ‘excited’ about the trip away when she last saw him on June 29.

Over the next few days she contacted him on social media but said none of the messages were read or delivered and could not reach him on the phone.

The inquest heard she then visited his house but received no response and heard that neighbours had not seen him.

She then contacted his landlord and a friend, who later his visited his house and used the ladder to see into his bedroom window.

The court heard that Mr Atkinson was last seen by grandmother Theresa Whalley when he visited her house for tea.

Mr Atkinson was pronounced dead by paramedics after 9am a few days later.

A toxicologist found that Mr Atkinson had a painkiller in his system as well as cocaine and a drug most commonly used for patients with epilepsy.

His grandmother said he had seemed ‘positive’ and told her he was going to ‘sort his life out’ with his new job as a pipe fitter.

He had previously served time in prison, the inquest was told.

His mother Sharon Downing said his crimes were related to his use of drugs.

The inquest heard Mr Atkinson died from the toxicity from taking the drugs together.

Coroner Kally Cheema concluded Mr Atkinson’s death was drug-related.

Paying tribute on behalf of the family, mum Mrs Downing said: “Special memories we shared with Scott will be cherished for the rest of our lives.

“There will not be a day that goes by that we won’t think about him.

“We love him so much and will never stop loving him.”