FOR many, teachers are considered to be the unsung heroes of lockdown.

They have gone above and beyond for their pupils during the pandemic, providing extra lessons and thinking of new ways to keep the children engaged- even via zoom calls.

Luckily, teachers (and some parents) can breathe a sigh of relief as schools are set to fully reopen from 8 March.

However, the hard work that teachers put into their jobs is unlikely to be forgotten.

Yesterday, (28 February) we asked our readers ‘which schools or teachers have gone above and beyond during lockdown and how?’.

We were inundated with comments, received well over 100 on our Facebook page.

These are just some of the local schools that you wanted to praise: 

Liz Gaskell praised every school in Barrow including “every member of staff from the headteachers to the cleaners”.

One woman also added that “all schools deserve to be recognised” for their hard work in the pandemic.

She added: “Hats off to them all I say- also well done to all children too.”

Christina Howker said she was “incredibly grateful” to both South Walney Infants and Juniors for all they had done for her children.

She added: “Special mention for former South Walney Infants head, Mrs McKinnell, who went so far as to delay her planned retirement to stay on and lead through the first lockdown and subsequent full return, in spite of any of the risks.

“But honestly, everyone, as far as I can see. Heads, teachers and TAs, additional needs coordinators, crossing patrols, cleaning staff. All have done a fantastic job.”

Tracy O’Connor had kind words for George Hastwell School.

She said they had “great communication” skills and gave “lots of help and advice when needed.”

One of our top fans, Sara Bilton, had high praise for St George’s C of E Primary and Nursery School.

In particular, she had kind words to say about Kath Albery calling her “wonderful” and “caring”.

Barrow Island Primary School also got a special shout out from Jo Twigden.

They wrote: “[They have] been delivering school packs to all the children every week and checking in to make sure all pupils are okay.”

Mr Satterthwaite said Broughton C of E Primary School went above and beyond in lockdown.

They added that they have been “absolutely fantastic and outstanding in every respect”.

Jacqui Armstrong said: “I have to give a special mention to Mr Cull and his incredible staff at Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School.

The Mail: Mr CullMr Cull

[They] have gone above and beyond their roles, delivering school meals to the doorsteps of families in need and school staff donated items of food to support the most vulnerable children.

“It’s not a school-it’s a family.”

Thwaites Primary School have been “very supportive towards parents and teachers, according to one of our readers.

They added: “[They] always keep us updated and have provided everything needed for home schooling.”

Claire Ruston said: “I think all schools have coped admirably under very stressful and unprecedented circumstances.

“This has certainly been the case at Roose Primary School.”

One reader said staff at Newbarns Primary and Nursery school  were helpful in the pandemic.

She said: When I was ill with Covid [one member of staff] always phoned to see how I was and if our family needed anything and how my son was doing with work set.

“She even did a zoom call with the class so he could see his friends.”

Joanne Eva said Dowdales School has been “fab all lockdown”.

She added: “They spent a lot of time focusing on the kids mental well-being.”

Victoria Long praised Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School

She said: “They always check up with calls/emails, making sure not only child is ok but parents too.

Tracy Gillett said: Victoria Academy Barrow in Furness- [they have] exceptional teachers who have dedicated every spare minute to meeting the needs of their students.

“They’ve made learning diverse and fun against all the odds and their level of care has been unmeasurable.”

“Cambridge Primary have been very good,” one reader added. “They have made sure the children had everything they needed in their home packs, and have uploaded lots of school work and are there if you need to talk.

“All schools have had to work hard during lockdown, it hasn't been easy.”

Kate Kitts said Pennington Primary have been “exceptional”.

She added: “Online teaching has been great. General support and care for all children. A wonderful team. Big thanks to them all.”

Another  reader said Sir John Barrow School in Ulverston have been “absolutely amazing”.

They added: “My children have been attending school as I work in a care home. And the girls have loved being in the school”

Hilary Ridgway is a teacher and they said the positive comments on the post made them feel “very emotional”.

They added: “Every school is dealing with challenges that are different but the one thing that we all share is a desire to do the very best for the children in our community.”